A LOT of INFJs struggle to find out purpose. There was a time when I thought I would be lost and drifting aimlessly without it forever. Then I really understood what it was and finally felt whole.
I now know that my purpose in life is to help people find self-love and become a better version of themselves through understanding and acceptance.
I'm curious if you've found your purpose and what it is.
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I only ever had one purpose in life and that was to see the African, Asian and Arabian continents and their people, rise up out of ignominy, poverty and sickness. I live exclusively in the hope that I will be able to get started one day soon. My life up to now, has been about preparing my mind for the rest of my life, when I will go back to Africa and get started!! I have to become independent first though!!!
I thought I’d found it, and was ‘living it’ every day: I was for a long time a post anaesthetic unit nurse caring for people waking after surgery. From the quick and minor to c-section, major vascular requiring post-op critical care, anything and everything. It was both intellectually fulfilling and deeply emotionally satisfying as I saw my role as to accompany a person through what’s usually a very scary episode in life: presenting at hospital and trusting strangers to make you unconscious and helpless while something is done to your body. So, being an advocate, a protector, an empathic and skilled problem solver.
Now at almost 50 I have MS and that career is no longer possible for me. One element of many I enjoyed deeply was writing - documenting the patient experience and clinical interventions made, writing departmental policy, references for students I mentored. I guess I’m trying to identify Life Purpose Part II!
For much of my childhood and teenage time, i thought my purpose was to be successful and famous. But growing up more i realized that was the purpose i had inherited from everyone around me. No, my purpose, as i understood myself more with time, i realized it was to learn, find more answers to many things, and use that insight, that knowledge to help, both myself and all i can reach up to around me, to get better, to feel fulfilled in a deeper sense, to make a difference where it is required.
I think my purpose is to be an advocate for those who feel misunderstood, which is almost everyone at some point in their life. I “see” people’s spirit beneath the exterior they show the world and so many people just want to be their authentic selves, but can’t or don’t feel they can. I create that space for people. I advocate for what they need and want. If needed, I counsel and coach. If needed, I champion on their behalf. If needed, I simply create the space for them to just be.
My purpose is clear, but I struggle with aligning this to a career that pays enough to support my family! My career does advocate for people, but in a very detached, corporate way that causes quite a bit of stress for me. I like working directly with people one in one, not designing big programs with the “hope” it helps someone. Sadly, our society values that work much more than truly impacting people one on one.
Since I was little I knew what is my purpose in life. It is to give humanity an example of healthy life for longevity or extreme life spam expansion by natural and spiritual ways and to share a perspective of life way far different from the common or traditional offered by the actual system (patriarchy). A perspective that help people to expand their mind on what is possible for humanity as a specie from the point of view of someone with an exceeded capacity for abstract reasoning, intuition and sensibility
After relationships that didn't work out, always giving my soul to others, I realized that one of my purposes in life is to love people ♥️ Why expect something in return, or need a relationship to give attention to those who need it? Being the shoulder friend, the one who praises, the one who cheers for...? Everyone deserves it, and everyone needs some inspiration: from someone you admire, are proud of, and would like to be that way.
And the world? It would make no sense for us to be lucky enough to exist and not know our home. Get to know other cultures, people, food, landscapes... I adapt very well to changes, to places, and I just can't wait to discover this amazing world 🥺♥️
I think I have several purposes in life. There’s a part of me that loves to make people laugh…to entertain…to bring fun where it’s needed. The challenge has been in finding a practical way to channel this. I think another purpose has been to share information that will help others.
👍That’s an awesome accomplishment. Congratulations on your nursing degree!
It took me a while before I figured out what I wanted to do with my life. My Aunt would tell me you‘re a nurse and that nursing is in the blood, but my 21 year old self did not want to hear it, I thought it was disgusting, dealing with bodily fluids and such. A few years later when I read more about healthcare positions and still hearing my aunt’s words in my mind, I looked into Medical Assisting. It was like a nurse but less college courses and I figured that I can get my foot in the door and it would help me understand if nursing was right for me. If I hated it then I wouldn’t have wasted a lot of time, effort, and money. Well of course I loved it and knew this was a good choice for me. I had some events that came up: sick Mom and then I went on a spiritual journey of sorts for a few years, but eventually I went back to college. So in May 2020 at the ripe age of 42 😆 I received my nursing degree and I have never been so happy. I love helping people, just being there for support at their most vulnerable time, and being there advocate gives me such joy and other feelings that I can’t really put into words. It’s truly a humbling and beautiful experience.
I'm still working on it, but I know my gifts and passion are in small group and individual formation--especially spiritual formation. I'll be taking a spiritual director training course later this year, and will grow from there. I know for a fact that corporate life and a structured 9-5 is not for me. I've done a lot of that, and it wrecks my mental health. So smaller is better in my world, and flexibility is key. I'm currently a freelance editor, and it's perfect.
I personally feel fulfilled having gained guidance towards my purpose at an early age in my life . I want to develop my gift and share it with the world , through knowledge and service ,I want to uplift others and impact lives through teaching , learning & development .