I'm always curious what type your significant other is?
I'm not in a relationship right now, but I have a specific type picked out that I think would be amazing (though I don't exclude other types when I'm dating).
Hello Sarah and well met to all of you fellow INFJs who have joined this community. I am very happy to be here. I am living such a solitary existence and it is down to personality types it is! I realize why I NEED my partner but I can also see that it is HE that creates my NEEDS. It wasn´t that I read HIM wrong. NO! I met the man that he wanted to be and can be much of the time. But that is the Prince Charming part of HIM. Or is that not a typical bi-polar male? All is well until I profess a NEED unfulfilled for the hissing, spitting, venemous toad to take over. This is why ASSERTIVE INFJs like myself are now assigned the T for TURBULENT. My partner is ISFJ-A to my INFJ-T (because HE keeps me T). I am 86% Introverted and he is 76% Introverted. In that we are compatible. He does not need a big social circle, he is a home bod. He spends all day, all week out working and wants to be away from it all, be with just me. That suits me wonderfully well, it does, that is what I want too. He though is 99% OBSERVANT to my 83% INTUITIVE and this is the BIG clashing zone. The thinker or the watcher as I think of it. He has to see someone elses images, I have to find my own! My images do not count, I am not SOMEONE ELSE!!!! He is 53% FEELING to my 74% FEELING. That works pretty well, no, he is not a cruel, callous person at all but the difference in degrees at which we can feel beyond ourselves is immense. We are reasonably evenly matched on the JUDGING, he at 58% and me at 54% but I do not know that we pair well here. This is a near fifty-fifty balance but oh, you want to believe that the scales do usually swing towards his judgement which is the opposite to mine!! Very uncomfortable therefore! At this moment in time, I am 68% Turbulent to his 72% ASSERTIVE. When I met him, he was 36 years old to my 28 years. It was that assertiveness that was key to me, I can remember it well. I felt that he cared, he showed that, he was capable of loving. The problems are that OBSERVANT part, nothing I say has any consideration given to it, who do I think I am? It is only others who have their brains working! And the judging, no, I can say it honestly, we live by his decisions and that is where this relationship, one that started so beautifully and could still be beautiful, has run aground. My thoughts and feelings are unimportant because HE cannot understand my thoughts and does not even try to do so, he just dismisses me as a fool because I do not say the same as all the rest. My feelings, well, why can I not be like everyone else, he thinks. For one reason only, I AM UNIQUE. I AM NOT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE! So for my ideal partner I can see what would be ideal! AN INFJ-A, no more no less, with shared interests! A mirror image of myself in male form! "MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL, WHO IS THE FAIREST OF THEM ALL?" "YOU, MY BELOVED SOUL MATE. YOU MY OTHER HALF. THAT HALF THAT MAKES ME FEEL WHOLE!" Because I will see beyond the exterior, I am wanting to be in tune within our minds and souls, because that is how our bodies will best be in tune too. Not vice versa.
My partner is ENFP and I've literally NEVER met anyone I have that kind of chemistry with before. I heard somewhere that an ENFP is like an INFJ inside out and that's a pretty accurate description of what it feels like.
Hi Caroline I hope my comment didn't sound as a form of privacy invasion your comment tells of a wonderful woman with a beautiful heart which led me to comment I don't normally write in the comment section but I think you deserve this complement. If you don’t mind can we be friends? Thanks God bless you….🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
The love of my life is an ISTJ, which is difficult, ha. We are actually broken up right now because he's also a typical "I don't need help" guy who is a critical care icu nurse who is (not) dealing with pretty extreme trauma and depression thanks to two years on the covid floor.
Hi Anneliesk07, well met my friend. The N and the F, I think are so crucial in a male. I think that if we are able to find a male who can follow his OWN head and heart, we have a very good chance of happiness with him. The P can be positive, it is a sign of versatility and being able to break out of cycles and embrace new ones. The E unless 100%, will generally have a certain percentage of I as well. You mention balance as does arianne.saden below. It is compatability of desires that allow for balance. How easy though is it to maintain a steady balance? I have no balance in my relationship, it is up and down as the proverbial `yo yo´. ISFJ-A is my partner of now but I would suit only another INFJ-A and that is what I will be keeping in my mind!
My significant other was ( I’m divorced, now) the wrong type completely: a classic ISTP! I hope my next sig-other in an ENFP or ENFJ. I enjoy the company of intuitives and feelers, best.
Hi, the ISTP type guy gives me bad vibes just thinking about HIM! The I in him, will have him become intense with you. The S will mean he has to copy others guidelines rather than be guided by you. The T, well once again is prepared to act on established thought patterns rather than allow his feelings to be his guide. And the P, well, not a settled type maybe. UUUUUGH! No loss there as you will know now! Well done for making those big changes that do not come easy, I know!! I agree with you in that the N and the F are crucial for a peaceful existence. The P or J, that is a very open area. I question the E versus the I. I have had E´s in my family and they were very beneficial to me and the other two I´s in my family! Though I did find always that they had to work hard not to be pushy and lose patience with me. Something that would have me dithering and questioning for an eternity, they would have resolved in short time!! It is all about balance and space too. E´s do tend to like going out a lot and enjoy social get togethers, they do like to be part of something. Opposite to I´s who yes, want to be part of something, but only something meaningful! Well met allspavig!
My partner is an ENFJ. We balance each other very well. I like to be around other feelers. I dated a INTJ and we struggled with our communication styles.
Hi Arianne.saden, well met my friend! That sounds like a possibly positive combination to me! The E and the I, could be very compatible if there are many shared interests between you. Maybe it is for the lack of a valid companion, that we become so very INTROVERTED. We literally find no one who can share the exterior world in the same way as we would like to do and so in effect, cut off from it. I have lived half of my life as a soloist and half as part of a couple. I long to be a soloist again! But only so that I can continue my quest for my ideal partner who would be an INFJ-Assertive type! I am with an ISFJ. The S is absolutely what we MUST avoid as INFJs and watch out for the J too. Which way does his judgement fall? Me and mine, are almost always on opposite sides! You mention balance, there is the key to all good relationships, BALANCE. I live in the pan of a pair of scales and my partner sits in the other! That is not a relationship. That is a battle of wills, which hangs permanently `IN THE BALANCE´.
My ex partners have generally been ENFPs
Hello Sarah and well met to all of you fellow INFJs who have joined this community. I am very happy to be here. I am living such a solitary existence and it is down to personality types it is! I realize why I NEED my partner but I can also see that it is HE that creates my NEEDS. It wasn´t that I read HIM wrong. NO! I met the man that he wanted to be and can be much of the time. But that is the Prince Charming part of HIM. Or is that not a typical bi-polar male? All is well until I profess a NEED unfulfilled for the hissing, spitting, venemous toad to take over. This is why ASSERTIVE INFJs like myself are now assigned the T for TURBULENT. My partner is ISFJ-A to my INFJ-T (because HE keeps me T). I am 86% Introverted and he is 76% Introverted. In that we are compatible. He does not need a big social circle, he is a home bod. He spends all day, all week out working and wants to be away from it all, be with just me. That suits me wonderfully well, it does, that is what I want too. He though is 99% OBSERVANT to my 83% INTUITIVE and this is the BIG clashing zone. The thinker or the watcher as I think of it. He has to see someone elses images, I have to find my own! My images do not count, I am not SOMEONE ELSE!!!! He is 53% FEELING to my 74% FEELING. That works pretty well, no, he is not a cruel, callous person at all but the difference in degrees at which we can feel beyond ourselves is immense. We are reasonably evenly matched on the JUDGING, he at 58% and me at 54% but I do not know that we pair well here. This is a near fifty-fifty balance but oh, you want to believe that the scales do usually swing towards his judgement which is the opposite to mine!! Very uncomfortable therefore! At this moment in time, I am 68% Turbulent to his 72% ASSERTIVE. When I met him, he was 36 years old to my 28 years. It was that assertiveness that was key to me, I can remember it well. I felt that he cared, he showed that, he was capable of loving. The problems are that OBSERVANT part, nothing I say has any consideration given to it, who do I think I am? It is only others who have their brains working! And the judging, no, I can say it honestly, we live by his decisions and that is where this relationship, one that started so beautifully and could still be beautiful, has run aground. My thoughts and feelings are unimportant because HE cannot understand my thoughts and does not even try to do so, he just dismisses me as a fool because I do not say the same as all the rest. My feelings, well, why can I not be like everyone else, he thinks. For one reason only, I AM UNIQUE. I AM NOT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE! So for my ideal partner I can see what would be ideal! AN INFJ-A, no more no less, with shared interests! A mirror image of myself in male form! "MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL, WHO IS THE FAIREST OF THEM ALL?" "YOU, MY BELOVED SOUL MATE. YOU MY OTHER HALF. THAT HALF THAT MAKES ME FEEL WHOLE!" Because I will see beyond the exterior, I am wanting to be in tune within our minds and souls, because that is how our bodies will best be in tune too. Not vice versa.
My husband is an ENFP. We compliment each other nicely. He helps me process my feelings and helps me with self awareness.
My partner is ENFP and I've literally NEVER met anyone I have that kind of chemistry with before. I heard somewhere that an ENFP is like an INFJ inside out and that's a pretty accurate description of what it feels like.
The love of my life is an ISTJ, which is difficult, ha. We are actually broken up right now because he's also a typical "I don't need help" guy who is a critical care icu nurse who is (not) dealing with pretty extreme trauma and depression thanks to two years on the covid floor.
My hubby of over 30 years is ENFP. We have our ups and downs but overall balance each other out well.
My significant other was ( I’m divorced, now) the wrong type completely: a classic ISTP! I hope my next sig-other in an ENFP or ENFJ. I enjoy the company of intuitives and feelers, best.
My partner is an ENFJ. We balance each other very well. I like to be around other feelers. I dated a INTJ and we struggled with our communication styles.